Opinion - The Buffalo News
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By Ron Gawel Author Flannery O’Connor once wrote a short story titled “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” This is so true. I’ve known a lot of men who were OK guys. But truly good men? Not so many. Besides my 97-year-old father, only one comes to mind. I called him the “Polish Prince” of North Tonawanda. Frank Cislo was a very wise, free-spirited guy who loved …

Wait for experts’ analysis before choosing train siteThe location of a new train station is becoming a hot issue for our community. Both Rep. Brian Higgins and Mayor Byron Brown have weighed in on the matter.We currently have a 17-member nonpartisan committee exploring the major options. It is chaired by one of our community’s most prominent city planners, Robert Shibl…

Trump tries to blame everything on ObamaRegarding the trumped up allegation that President Barack Obama “bugged” Trump Tower, the accusations fabricated against Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, and, au courant, blaming Obama for Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria, finally, I get it. I understand now. It’s been so confusing of late what …

Police Department should comply with City CharterI was very shocked and discouraged to learn in Sam Magavern’s April 2 Another Voice, “Police relationship with residents can be improved” that the Buffalo Police Department has not complied with the City Charter requiring it to obtain independent accreditation from the national police organization charged with that imp…

Central Terminal makes the most sense for stationMany years ago, I looked down from an airliner on approach to a major city and was appalled by the sight of hundreds of miles of freeways running every which way packed with cars probably carrying just one person. I thought then if the dense populations of Asia ever decided to make this their standard of living, the planet w…

Weinstein wrong to reject planned methadone clinicI read the paper on April 8 and ran right to my computer to express my anger and disgust at the lack of human compassion at the resistance of Town Supervisor Barry Weinstein for a proposed methadone clinic in an Amherst neighborhood. Our community members would have to live in a cave if we weren’t aware that seven people …

Weinstein wrong to reject planned methadone clinicI read the paper on April 8 and ran right to my computer to express my anger and disgust at the lack of human compassion at the resistance of Town Supervisor Barry Weinstein for a proposed methadone clinic in an Amherst neighborhood. Our community members would have to live in a cave if we weren’t aware that seven people …

Erie County Medical Center and its Long-Term Care at Terrace View facility got hit by a computer virus that prompted a computer system shutdown early Sunday. The incident is being investigated by the FBI and State Police. It serves as another warning to business, government and average Americans logging onto their computers of the critical need to keep their data safe. …

There are two ways to look at Start-Up NY’s slow start: glass half full, or glass half empty. We choose the glass half full option, with the potential to fill quickly. The economic development program offers lucrative tax breaks to lure businesses into locating in the state. A new state report points out that the job numbers have been lower than promised. Still, ev…

By Robert A. Milch As proposed legislation regarding medical aid in dying (MAD) moves through the State Legislature, public discourse deserves clarity regarding just what the bill contains and portends. That discussion is not well served by the inaccuracies and distortions that have typified recent discussion. The New York bill closely follows the templates of Oregon…

By Bob Butler It is with great sadness that I received the news of the coming closing of Talking Leaves Books on Main Street. Since the early 1970s, it has been much more than a place to buy books. It has been the center of a lively community of readers and writers who look forward to visiting the store to browse and purchase books but also to engage in warm, spirited d…

The deadly opioid epidemic has ravaged America’s suburbs and rural areas, places once thought immune to such serious drug problems. In response, health officials are reaching out to offer assistance to those fighting addiction. Part of the strategy is placing treatment clinics where needed so they are readily accessible for those who are trying to wean themselves off …

By Sister Carol Cimino “We need more to be reminded than instructed.” – Samuel Johnson … It seems evident that Catholic schools are a viable, hopeful alternative to other kinds of schools in our community. But, over the years, it has become increasingly important to point out a significant fact about them: Catholic schools enroll a diverse population of ri…